Most people in North Carolina are likely aware of the potential chances of being involved in an accident when traveling in a motor vehicle. Unfortunately, certain actions that some people take could potentially increase the risk of causing an accident, such as driving while under the influence of alcohol. In fact, police believe that alcohol consumption was a factor in a recent car accident that resulted in a fatality.
The incident reportedly happened around 9 p.m. on a day in mid-November. According to reports, a 41-year-old man was driving a vehicle at high speeds. The vehicle reportedly exited the left side of the road, causing the driver to overcorrect.
Unfortunately, police say that the corrective actions sent the vehicle into a spin. After sliding for a significant distance, the left rear section of the vehicle struck a bridge column. A 53-year-old man riding in that section of the vehicle died as a result of injuries suffered in the collision. Another passenger, a 43-year-old man, suffered serious injuries.
Though the North Carolina car accident remains under investigation, police believe that both speed and alcohol were factors. Now, a family is left to mourn the unexpected loss of their loved one while another man may face a significant period of recovery, resulting in lost wages and extensive medical bills. Many victims of an incident believed to have been caused by another’s negligence — including surviving family members in the event of a fatality — choose to file a personal injury lawsuit. An attorney with experience with such cases can help these victims decide whether such action might be beneficial.