Facing a drug charge is stressful. Not knowing what will happen next can make it even worse. This is especially scary for people facing drug charges for the first time. Those facing this situation should know it's normal to feel anxious. To help them understand what...
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CRIMINAL LAW – Drug Charges
Can I be arrested for possession of certain chemicals?
People may not be aware of the implications of possessing certain chemicals. Common chemicals are generally harmless, but some can be used to create illegal substances or pose a risk to public safety. The dual nature of these chemicals has led to stricter regulations...
Understanding the difference between drug possession, sale and trafficking charges
Facing drug charges can be overwhelming, especially with the various activities that can lead to your arrest, such as drug possession, distribution or manufacturing. Your drug allegations can be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on a variety of factors, and could...
Man arrested on drug charges after an investigation
A criminal charge can have serious impacts on the accused person’s family life, career and personal freedom. Drug charges are some of the most serious offenses, with those accused potentially facing years of incarceration, steep fines and other penalties. In North...
5 North Carolina residents arrested for drug offenses
Out of all the possible criminal charges one can face, drug-related offenses can result in some of the harshest ramifications in the event of a conviction. Formal accusations of possession, trafficking, manufacturing, and the intent to distribute any controlled...
Man faces drug charges after traffic stop
Being arrested and charged with a crime is usually a damaging and humiliating experience. In North Carolina and elsewhere, drug-related charges are typically more serious offenses. Incarceration, hefty fines and irreparable damage to reputations are just a few...
Search of home results in drug charges
A person’s home should be a place where they can have privacy and solitude. However, if a North Carolina resident is suspected of using or possessing illegal drugs, it’s not out of the ordinary for law enforcement agencies to search the premises. For officers to...
Authorities team up to combat drug crimes
Anyone who has faced criminal charges would likely agree that it was one of the most challenging things they’ve faced. Drug charges come with hefty consequences for those convicted, such as the potential for years of incarceration. In North Carolina, illegal drug use...