Any woman who has driven alone late at night and experienced car difficulties likely knows of the panic that such a scenario can create. As such, a woman experiencing this may feel that she has no other option but to take action to protect herself. In fact, a woman in North Carolina who was reportedly stopped for speeding claims that car problems were a factor; she has since been accused of driving while intoxicated, or DWI.
The incident that led to the woman’s arrest happened around 12:30 a.m. on a day in mid-December. According to the woman, she was driving on I-85 when she believed that she was experiencing car trouble. She claims that she began speeding in an attempt to reach an exit.
However, a law enforcement officer pulled her over, claiming that she was driving over 40 mph faster than the speed limit allows. The officer also claims that the woman’s eyes were red and that her speech was slurred. A breath test administered hours later reportedly showed that her blood alcohol content was over the legally allowed limit.
Unfortunately, the North Carolina woman is now left facing some serious decisions as a result of the DWI accusations. People in these situations often find themselves unsure of what their options are and which one are the best for their individual circumstances. Fortunately, an experienced criminal defense attorney can help those accused of a crime carefully examine the details of their case and create the most appropriate plan of action.