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Traffic stop results in large drug bust

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2024 | CRIMINAL LAW - Criminal Defense

Unfortunately, the use of illegal drugs and drug trafficking continue to be a significant problem in North Carolina and around the country. Police forces across the state are increasing efforts to combat and stop illegal drug activity. Those who are convicted of drug charges can face steep fines, years of incarceration and other penalties.  

Drugs seized 

Recently in Roxboro, police said a traffic stop resulted in the seizure of nearly 255 pounds of drugs. The incident happened at night around Oxford Road. According to police reports, a deputy was patrolling the area and noticed a vehicle traveling slowly and impeding the flow of traffic. The officer said the driver was also swerving and failing to maintain lane control, so he initiated a traffic stop.  

After stopping the vehicle and investigating further, reports said the officer found narcotics in the vehicle and arrested the driver. Police said the drugs they seized weighed about 255 pounds and had an estimated street value of over $1.1 million. Reportedly, the driver was charged with trafficking marijuana as well as maintaining a vehicle/dwelling place for a controlled substance. According to the Person County Sheriff’s Office, it was one of the largest drug busts ever in the county. 

Obtaining legal representation 

Being accused of a crime can be a daunting experience and may impact a person for years. Those who face drug charges have certain options available to help them during this time. In North Carolina, any person who has been charged with criminal offenses has the right to speak with a legal representative. An experienced criminal defense attorney can determine the best course of action while protecting personal rights.